The transition to clean and cheap renewable energies is something to be celebrated.

Why it’s now the time to hang up the streamers? Investigative journalist, historian and political scientist Alaye van Empel – Aderemi is making a meticulously researched case for a quick compassionate energy transition.

Free, is relative of course. I have a lot of expenses. Researching, writing the script, coming up with silly jokes, 
creating graphics, setting up a studio, presenting, filming and in the end editing the lot. It’s a massive operation.

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Who is Alaye?

Alaye van Empel – Aderemi is a father of two girls, historian, political scientist and a journalist based in Amsterdam the Netherlands. In his vodcast ‘AllThingsConsidered’ he gives an independent, satirical insightful, look at social-economic and political events, with an emphasis on the transition towards renewable energies.

Help out

These are times that call for journalistic content aiming to control governments and influential people, organizations, and companies. But I am well aware that not everybody can pay for independent journalistic content. That’s why I chose this open platform without a paywall.
If you on the other hand do have the financial means to make a contribute, small or large, then you are the one who makes the continuation of this journalistic platform possible.
It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money and time to help.
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